Sunday, November 30, 2008


I just crossed the 50,000 word finish line for NaNoWriMo and I couldn't be happier. This is about how I feel.

If anyone feels any desire to read my novel, please comment or email me and I will send it to you if you are deemed trustworthy. Keep in mind that this is a very rough first draft and there are going to be many mistakes and that it isn't finshed yet. When I finish it, I will post again and express my further happy.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

40,000 Words Left

I finally hit 40,000 words, which means I only have 10,000 left. If I write 5,000 more today and 5,000 tomorrow, I'll finish. I plan on writing as many as I can today so I'm not scrambling to finish tomorrow. Sundays are always hard days for my word count, so I need to write as much as I can today. Who knows, if I push myself, I may just finish tonight. Here's hoping :)

Monday, November 24, 2008

Halfway Point

I just crossed the halfway point for my Novel. That's right, I'm at 25,000 words. I have a week left to get my word count to 50,000 and I WILL DO IT! I've been sick almost all of november, and that has made my word count suffer. The internet hasn't been much help either, as every time I procrastinate, its been there with open arms.

No more procrastination. I must forsake the internet for the next week until I get my word count to where its supposed to be. After this post, the only reason that I go on the internet will be to listen to my playlist which helps me write. When I make it to 40K (and I will) I'll make another post.

Thursday, November 13, 2008


I'm falling dangerously behind on my NaNoWriMo novel. Uh oh. By the end of today, I should be around 20,000 words, yet I am only just above 15,000. I need to get my rear end in gear and write more. Personally, I blame facebook. Its the first and last site on the internet that I go to, and sucks up a lot of my time. My excuse is that's its week two, which is always the hardest week, according to everyone who does this. I'll do my best to write as much as I can to close the gap between my word count and the 20,000 word goal for today, wish me luck.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

NaNo Status and a Random Writing

In case you are wondering, I have 9,178 words so far in my NaNo. It's coming along swimmingly :)

Last night after I got my word count that high, I stopped writing and started reading. I was reading the book, "The Long Patrol" by Brian Jaques. Whilst reading it a random plot decided to make my head its home and immediatly demanded that I write it. I wrote three paragraphs and got back to reading. Here is what I wrote:

The night was dark and quiet, most people having already gone to sleep for the night. If one were to listen closely they would hear the soft footsteps of a young man walking slowly through the town. At random intervals, the young man again became visible as the moon took away from the clouds covering it, but that never lasted long. The young man didn’t stop until he came by a list posted on the wall of a building that he was going by. This list was posted all over the city, the young man reasoned; it was happenstance that I should pass by this one.

He couldn’t help but smile as he saw his name at the top of the list. He had already known that his name was there, but it felt good to see it just the same. There had been a crowd of people at each of these lists earlier in the day after they had been posted, hundreds of young men and women trying to see the list, wanting to see if they had been chosen. The young man had been watching them with scorn, how could they expect to succeed with such poor patience. He had heard many of them shouting when they found their names on the list, and the young man had taken special note of each who had made it, scrutinizing them, weighing them. None that he had seen would present any challenge for him, he was sure of it. The young man had to smile when, one by one, the people in the crowd had read aloud his name and asked if anyone knew who the man was that had made it to the top of the list. Of course none would know of him. He wasn’t foolhardy enough to show himself to those who were likely to make it on the list, possibly exposing a weakness that could be taken advantage of in a fire situation. He could see that he needn’t have worried.

The young man was about to leave the list when he saw who was directly below him. It wasn’t surprising really, that she had made it so high up on the list with her skill, what was surprising was that she had even attempted to make it to the list in the first place. He hadn’t expected that. She would be his only problem, for she knew all of his weaknesses, even some that he didn’t know himself. Yet even with her on the list, he knew that he would ultimately succeed, nothing was going to stand in his way.

Wasn't that fun? Now if I'm ever going to go anywhere with this, I need to know a few things. Who is this young man? What does the list say that they accomplished or successfully joined? Who is the woman that will give him his problem? I have no idea myself. Any suggestions?

Saturday, November 1, 2008

NaNoWriMo '08

This year for NaNoWriMo I am writing a novel called "The True Story of Roswell, New Mexico (A Blatant Fiction)." I started last night and I have 3,280 words so far out of 50,000 needed to win. Here is a little of what I have written so far.

“Crap, crap, crap ,crap!” Kitom said.

Kitom had been flying through space at probably illegal speeds when his ship’s engines decided to die right in the orbit of some planet. He was trying his best to start the engines up again, but nothing was working.

“Sir, the engines have gone off line,” The ship’s computer said.

“Thank you for that computer,” Kitom said. “Can you turn them back on please?”

“Attempting to initiate request…” The computer said. “Negative. The engines will not start up again. I’m sorry.”

Kitom let out a growl of frustration as he hit the dashboard. The ship rumbled a bit and started falling towards the planet. Kitom groaned.

“Sir, the ship is currently falling into the gravitational pull of the planet, please pull up.”

“I can’t pull up! The engines are dead!” Kitom shouted at the computer.

“Please turn on the engines so that you won’t fall to the planet sir,” the computer said.

“You just told me that they won’t turn on!” Kitom shouted.

“I am sorry for the misinformation sir.”

“Misinformation? So they can turn on?” Kitom asked.

“Attempting to restore power to engines…” The computer started. “Failure. Engines will not receive power.”

Kitom yelled again. He looked out of the front display and looked at the planet. It was so very blue. He hadn’t ever seen a planet that color before. If he was one of those nature hippies that plagued the fourth planet of the star Ashtron, he probably would have found it pretty.

“Sir, please don’t make impact with the planet,” The computer said.

Kitom wanted to chuck something at his computer right about now, except that would make his problems worse. “What do you propose I do about this problem computer?”

“Please turn the engines on first sir,” the computer said.

Kitom’s eye twitched for a moment. “The engines don’t work! Remember?”

“Attempting to restore power to engines,” the computer said yet again.

Kitom looked out the front display again. It was red. His ship was being pulled in fast, the hull was heating up. “Computer, stop giving power to engines! Turn on the atmosphere shields!”

“Confirmed. Atmosphere shields up and running.”

Kitom saw the Atmosphere shields going up. Hopefully they would be able to withstand this planets atmosphere. At least they slowed his decent considerably.

“Thank you computer,” Kitom said. “Do we have any information about this planet that we’re falling towards?”

“Searching database, please wait,” the computer said.

This Blog

This blog will focus solely on my writing. Do not expect it to update as often as my other one. When I feel I need to write something, I'll post it here. If I plan on publishing something later, you won't get the whole thing because then publishers loose the first copy rights or something and those are important. I will give you sneek peeks though. :)