Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Curse me for liking that idea!

So I was going over my new notes, which are coming along better than expected, for Dragon Knights and I found a plot hole to fill. I will not explain that plot hole as it gives away to many spoilers, but as I was typing away letting my mind run onto Microsoft Word I got an idea on how to fill this plot hole. I immediately rejected it as I did not want something to horrible to happen to one of my favorite characters and to all characters in general. But somehow, despite the fact that I had let that idea go, it continued to rattle around in my brain and wouldn't leave until I considered it. Why did I have to consider it?

I like this idea. It would add a lot to the story, and by a lot I mean a lot of sadness and grief and terrible things. I think that after I get to the part in the story where this idea comes into play all of my characters are going to hate me. Curse me for liking that idea!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Flash Drive Status

I went to several different sources and none could fix my flash drive. I even tried geek squad. I felt sure that a group with a name as cool as that could do something, yet my hopes were dashed. Still, not everything is lost (though a very big chunk of everything is missing), I have the stuff that I blogged here, and I also have a back up version of my nano novel that I emailed to myself while I was writing it (since they constantly reminded us to), though it didn't have as much in it as the one in my flash drive did.

So despite losing a lot of my work (and a whole lot of other stuff that had nothing to do with my writing but was still a stab to loose) I will not be deterred. I will keep writing, even if I must start again!

Yet still it is difficult not to be disheartened. Not only did I lose my actual stories, but I lost the plans for them. I didn't have much planning for Final Great Ones or Roswell, but I had pages and pages of plans for Terravia. They weren't so much story outlines (since I seem to be incapable of planning more than four steps ahead) as it was random details that I wrote down because I was sure that I would forget if I didn't. I had random stuff like a plan for the main characters father and more detailed back story for all the knights and a bunch of stuff that I can't remember! Some of the things were written here, but not all of it because I didn't want to spoil it for any of you.

Hopefully I can remember enough to make the story come together again. I'll rewrite all I can remember and all that I put into this blog, and hopefully it will all work out in the end. No, it WILL work out in the end. Whats with this hopefully stuff? Hope is not a plan, but an excuse for procrastination! Maybe thats why I like it so much...