Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Curse me for liking that idea!

So I was going over my new notes, which are coming along better than expected, for Dragon Knights and I found a plot hole to fill. I will not explain that plot hole as it gives away to many spoilers, but as I was typing away letting my mind run onto Microsoft Word I got an idea on how to fill this plot hole. I immediately rejected it as I did not want something to horrible to happen to one of my favorite characters and to all characters in general. But somehow, despite the fact that I had let that idea go, it continued to rattle around in my brain and wouldn't leave until I considered it. Why did I have to consider it?

I like this idea. It would add a lot to the story, and by a lot I mean a lot of sadness and grief and terrible things. I think that after I get to the part in the story where this idea comes into play all of my characters are going to hate me. Curse me for liking that idea!

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