Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Skies of Fire

So I decided to do the Skies of Fire one after giving it some thought. I finally thought up a plot for it after telling myself that the skies being on fire didn't have to happen in the beginning. So far I have a basic idea of about three characters, the culture of the world it happens in, and perhaps the government. Oh, and though it is cliche, I also have a prophecy in it, that goes as follows:

When the skies burn as if on fire the battle to determine the fate of the world will scream across the earth. Three noble warriors who will be known and loved by all will come forth to fight the battle, yet should they choose not to fight, the world will be torn asunder and all will be lost.

I'm still not sure about a lot of things, but that is what insomnia is for. While I am calling it skies of Fire, that is only a working title, and once more of the plot happens, I will perhaps give it a better title.


Paige said...

I like your ideas so far. ^_^ They should give you some nice plot lines. ^_^

Awesome LaTerry said...

Why thank you :D Thats what I'm hoping for :)