Monday, September 29, 2014

A "Place" Poem

In my creative writing class my teacher gave us Friday off of class in order to go somewhere for an hour and observe everything around us to write a "place" poem. I was sick on Friday and so I spent quite a bit of time in the bathroom at UVU. Thus this poem. A note, this is not a rhyming poem, as apparently no one even does that anymore. Poems seem to be all about prose instead of rhyme. Anyway, without further ado, here is my poem.

Diarrhea in a Public Restroom

The blue walls of my stall closed in on me
Imprisoning me,
They sought to hold me,
But they had no power to keep me there.
What truly held me was the feeling deep
Deep in my stomach.
I had never wanted to be here,
Especially like this.
Number two in a public restroom
Was on my bottom ten list.
Making it worse, the flow just wouldn't stop
The pain in my belly would not be satisfied,
No matter how much was expelled.
My distress increased
As I heard people come and go.
I knew that they could smell it
The moment they walked in
And that it made their trip,
Their quest for relief,
Something akin to torture.
There is a fan above me
Meant to suck away such smells,
But its power is paltry
When compared
To what my colon can do.
Finally a reprieve
My stomach pain ends
And sets me free
But unfortunately I know
That by days end,
I’ll be back.


Karyn said...

I had to come read. What did your teacher think? I'd have given you an A.

The Book Elf said...

Well done!! This gave me a good chuckle.

I must say, I'm enjoying following your creative writing experience.

Awesome LaTerry said...

It hasn't been graded yet, but the teacher did seem to enjoy it. All the people in my peer review group also found it fun. Thanks for reading :)