Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Mishmash Poem

We did a fun little thing in my creative writing class. We wrote the first line of a poem and then covered everything but the last word. We then handed the paper over to the person in front of us (or next to us for those on the front row) and they, based on the last word, wrote the next line. Most of these poems ended up being nonsensical and funny. One (that I somehow ended up with despite not contributing to it) came out quite well. Have a look.

The leaves outside are no longer green,
The colors change like colorful beans,
Green, red, blue, black,
The bitter taste of the last,
Darkens the sky's blue cast.

I dunno, I thought that it was pretty neat. It seems to flow very well :) I don't know the fate of the one that I started unfortunately.

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